Laurels from China
Academy of Science admits Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus.
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Laurels from Czech Republic
Wolfgang Wahlster is a new member of the Academy of Technology.
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High confidence
How Germans feel about science and research
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Stuart Parkin
How the physicist from Silicon Valley wants to shake up the IT world.
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Jürgen Floege
The kidney specialist from Aachen on the pandemic and its consequences.
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Lasker Award for our fellow
Dieter Oesterhelt receives highest
US-honor in biomedicine.
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Dietrich von Engelhardt
How the historian of science views the importance of the GDNÄ.
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Tina Romeis
The biochemist plans to strengthen plants under climate stress.
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Thomas Elsässer
How the physicist sheds light on the world of atoms and molecules.
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Wolfgang T. Donner
The GDNÄ bids farewell to its former Secretary General.
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Angelika Brandt
On the tracks of life in the dark depths of the ocean.
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Wilhelm Füßl
For thirty years he has preserved and developed the heritage of the GDNÄ.
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Wolfgang Lubitz
A scientist in search of the secret of green hydrogen.
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Success with “Industry 4.0”
Former president Wolfgang Wahlster on the fourth industrial revolution.
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Michael Tausch
How to get teachers and students excited about chemistry with light.
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He discovered the ozone hole
The GDNÄ mourns the death of its long-time member Paul J. Crutzen.
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School meets research
Online dialogue on “infections” will begin shortly: Join in!
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In memory
GDNÄ mourns the death of its former president Professor Wolfgang Gerok.
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Detlev Ganten
“There is nothing more beautiful”: a life for science.
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Next Meeting
Würzburg 2021 will be merged with 200th GDNÄ anniversary in Leipzig.
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New info flyer
To order or to download: Compact portrait of the GDNÄ.
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A passion for zoology
What Heribert Hofer has in mind for the next years.
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New Vice President elected
The Berlin zoologist Heribert Hofer takes office on January 1, 2021.
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Virtual gathering
Due to the corona pandemic, the 2020 general meeting took place online.
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Schools in stress test
Why the Telekom Foundation calls for a new ecosystem of education.
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Bärbel Friedrich
Brave and tireless in her commitment to science.
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Jürgen Tautz
A journey through the fascinating world of bee research.
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Trust grows
In the crisis, many Germans rely on science and technology.
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Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
How we can achieve the energy system transformation.
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Reinhard Hüttl
Targeting climate change – even in times of Corona.
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Würzburg 2021
The next conference takes place from September 10-12, 2021.
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First-hand knowledge
Read how top researchers see the future.
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Step by step out of the crisis
Experts around Martin Lohse and Clemens Fuest present new strategy.
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