With its assembly the GDNÄ addresses natural scientists, physicians and engineering scientists, but also pupils, students, teachers and interested citizens. The aim of the three-day events is to provide an overview of a modern research field with its many facets – in a clear and understandable way.
During the festive opening ceremony, the Alexander von Humboldt Medal will be awarded to a personality who has contributed significantly to the further development of the GDNÄ. There will be a special program for selected students, including study guidance, science slam and visits to institutes. Cultural events, a public evening lecture and excursions to interesting local research facilities round off each meeting.
Numerous lectures of assemblies of the last years were documented by video. They are available on this website or via the GDNÄ’s YouTube channel. Video summaries of lectures are also available on this website.

Fascinating science: View into the auditorium at the 130th meeting of the GDNÄ in Saarbrücken.