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  • Membership

    We cordially invite you to our Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ). It unites top-class scientists from universities and industry, students, teachers and citizens interested in science. We foster interdisciplinary dialogue, whether in personal exchanges at our meetings or in dialogue with the public. In doing so, we are continuing a great tradition that has brought together the most important natural scientists and doctors in Central Europe for two hundred years.

    The GDNÄ provides orientation in an increasingly specialized and globalized scientific landscape. It creates space for inspired encounters and debates. With its awards it contributes to the strengthening of good science communication. Our society sees the promotion of young scientists as a core task.

    We would be pleased to welcome you as a new member.

    Greifswald 2016 © van ryck Fotografie

    Reception at the meeting in Greifswald 2016.


    Greifswald 2016 © van ryck Fotografie

    Typical GDNÄ: Exchange at eye level.


    Mainz 2014 © Robertus Koppies

    Happy round at the meeting in Mainz 2014.