Welcome to the 134th Assembly from 17 to 20 September in Bremen
In September 2024, members and friends of the GDNÄ met for the 133rd Assembly in Potsdam. In addition to excellent specialist presentations, we experienced a young GDNÄ that engaged in lively discussions with established scientists. Our detailed video documentation shows everything once again.
Outstanding scientists will once again report on their research at the 134th meeting from 17 to 20 September 2026 in the Congress Centrum Bremen. The motto of the assembly is “Using science – knowledge creates benefits”. President Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla invites you and all science enthusiasts as well as another 150 students to attend. The exchange between the specialist areas on the one hand and the generations on the other is what makes our meetings so special.
Please make a note of the dates from 17 to 20 September 2026 – we look forward to seeing you again in Bremen!
Prof Dr Michael Dröscher
Treasurer and Secretary General
@ M3B GmbH
Exterior view of the Congress Centre Bremen.
@ M3B GmbH
The large Hanseatic Hall in the Congress Centrum Bremen has been booked for the 2026 GDNÄ Assembly.