The GDNÄ cannot finance its various tasks on the basis of membership fees alone. Therefore, we invite all members and friends of our society to continue to support the GDNÄ with donations. This can be done very easily for members by entering a sum in the transfer form, which is enclosed with the annual contribution calculation, that goes beyond the normal contribution. It goes without saying that anyone can transfer a donation of any amount at any time, regardless of this.
Among other things, these donations help to increase the involvement of younger members in education and without their own income to the GDNÄ. The company can then offer them temporary guest memberships and low fees with full benefits.
The donations to the GDNÄ are fully tax-deductible.

Junge Menschen für die GDNÄ gewinnen: Dazu tragen die Spenden von Mitgliedern und Freunden bei.
Commerzbank AG Leverkusen
IBAN DE94 3754 0050 0439 6875 00
Intended use: Donation GDNÄ