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  • Commemorative publication for the GDNÄ anniversary

    200 eventful years on 200 pages

    A lavishly designed commemorative publication in the style of a modern non-fiction book will be available from beginning of September 2022, just in time for the anniversary meeting in Leipzig. On two hundred pages it deals with the eventful history of the GDNÄ, its present range of tasks and the perspectives for the future.

    The richly illustrated book sketches the path of the GDNÄ through two centuries. It stops at important stations, looks far into the future, and lets research spark. Then, for example, when renowned scientists, including many GDNÄ members, give inspiring and comprehensible accounts of their own research and the development of the field. These “workshop reports” deal, for example, with an expedition to the deep sea, the search for dark matter, new techniques of energy storage and the history of modern climate research. Also exciting to read are the interviews with a pioneer of the new RNA medicine and the Nobel Prize winner who was honored for the invention of organic catalysis.

    Greetings from politicians and scientists introduce the festschrift. The book is rounded off with a multifaceted outlook into the future.

    Editor and co-author of the commemorative publication is Professor Martin Lohse, President of the GDNÄ. The work was designed by Thomas Liebscher, graduate graphic designer, founder and owner of the Leipzig publishing house Passage-Verlag. Here are some sample pages:

    Impressionen vom Vorbereitungstreffen des Schülerprogramms im Juni 2022 in Leipzig.

    From the commemorative volume for the great anniversary of the GDNÄ. © Thomas Liebscher, Passage-Verlag

    Further information:

    A society with history(s)

    United in advancing the sciences, in open discussion and a friendly atmosphere – that was what the group around Lorenz Oken wanted when they founded the Society of German Naturalists and Physicians (GDNÄ) in Leipzig in 1822. Initially ridiculed as a “scientific nomadic horde,” the research society quickly developed into a meeting place for Europe’s scientific and medical elite. To this day, the GDNÄ remains committed to its core concerns –interdisciplinary exchange, dialogue with society and the promotion of young scientists.

    The book contains contributions by Christiane Angermann, Marie-Luise Beck, Lilo Berg, Rainer Blatt, Matthias Bochtler, Angelika Brandt, Dietrich von Engelhardt, Georg Ertl, Jörg Hacker, Günther Hasinger, Heribert Hofer, Robert Huber, Sandra Kumm, Benjamin List, Martin Lohse, Thomas Lohse, Jochem Marotzke, Ansgar Schanbacher, Robert Schlögl, Jörg Vogel, Wolfgang Wahlster, Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, Ekkehard Winter and many others.

    Lohse, Martin (ed.): Wenn der Funke überspringt, Passage-Verlag Leipzig 2022, ISBN 3954151308, 29 euros (to be published on beginning of September 2022).