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  • Schools and universities

    The Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians wants to inspire young people for natural sciences, technology and medicine and motivate them to pursue a scientific career. With this in mind, the Society has for many years invited students, teachers and young academics to its meetings. Inspired by the lectures given by outstanding scientists, these meetings offer a wide range of opportunities for exchanging ideas – among each other and with the researchers.

    To meet the needs of its target groups, the GDNÄ has developed special programs. They range from a simple travel grant for adult guests to an all-round carefree package for students. The programs are made possible through the generous support of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation , the Bayer Science and Education Foundation, the AKB Foundation  and the Foundation for Family Businesses.

    There are four different grant programs:

    • >> Student Program
    • >> Youth Research Program
    • >> Graduate Program
    • >> Teacher Program
    Die Bühne in der Kongresshalle am Zoo Leipzig hielt dem Ansturm der Schülerinnen und Schüler stand. © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin

    Pupils surround physics Nobel laureate Reinhard Genzel after his lecture “A 40-year journey to the centre of the Milky Way”. © MIKA-photography | Berlin

    “What I particularly like at the GDNÄ conferences is the great joy of discussion – among the speakers, the visitors and in the student program. The GDNÄ is a model for the future: this is how science should be.”

    Finn Hille, scholarship holder 2018 and 2022

    Die Bühne in der Kongresshalle am Zoo Leipzig hielt dem Ansturm der Schülerinnen und Schüler stand. © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin