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  • Foundations

    A “Foundation for the Promotion of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians” has existed since 1988. The original foundation capital was provided by Bayer AG. According to its statutes, the Foundation is open to contributions from third parties who would also like to support the purpose of the foundation.

    The Foundation’s Board of Trustees consists of three honorary members working for the Foundation. It consists of:

    • >> The Chairperson of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians
    • >> The Treasurer of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians
    • >> One member to be appointed by the Board of Management of Bayer AG

    The Foundation’s proceeds are used to finance the non-profit activities of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians.

    Foundations in General

    Of course, donations to the already existing foundation mentioned above are most welcome.

    However, there is always the possibility for members and other persons close to the GDNÄ to set up their own foundation and determine their own purpose. The company’s Board of Directors offers all those who can become friends with the idea of a foundation the opportunity to contact the administrative office in a spirit of trust with regard to the various possibilities.

    Was Stiftungen ermöglichen: Die Vorführung „Chemie von ihrer schönsten Seite“ war bei der 127. Versammlung in Göttingen ein Publikumsmagnet.