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  • Ursula Müller-Werdan: “Healthy ageing is within reach for many of us”

    “Healthy ageing is within reach for many of us”

    Ursula Müller-Werdan, Professor of Geriatrics and Director at Charité, on the best ways to stay younger, active substances against disease-causing zombie cells and very old people in the US election campaign.

    Professor Müller-Werdan, we are conducting this interview in the summer before the presidential elections in the USA. One candidate is 81 years old, the other 78. Is that too old for such a responsible office?
    Not necessarily. Before the last presidential election four years ago, a US study asked the same question and confirmed that Joe Biden would have a statistical life expectancy of a good nine years after his inauguration in 2021 and Donald Trump a good eleven years. After analysing representative data sets, this corresponded to the survival probability of white, academically educated people of their age. At the time, Biden’s healthy lifespan was estimated at 87 years and Trump’s at just over 85 years. These are not individual predictions, but average values, and life expectancy would probably be even better today due to the higher age reached. 

    Life expectancy is one thing, physical and mental fitness is another. How do you rate the candidates in this respect?
    I have to pass. Even if I knew more about their state of health, I wouldn’t allow myself to make a remote diagnosis. But high professional performance is possible even in old age, and there are a number of examples of this. Just think of Konrad Adenauer, who took office as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany at the age of 73 and only retired at the age of 87. 

    When someone is so productive in old age, this is often attributed to a particularly good genetic make-up. Is that true?
    Only in part. Around a third of the ageing process is genetically determined, two thirds have to do with personal lifestyle – this is how the scientific studies can be roughly summarised. We are therefore by no means at the mercy of our inherited dispositions but have a great deal of room for manoeuvre. 

    If you want to grow old as healthily as possible, you will receive a lot of advice. Which are the most important?
    The eight recommendations of the American Heart Association are a good guideline. If you follow them, you will be on average about six years younger biologically than your chronological age. The recommendations will sound familiar to many: a healthy diet, sufficient exercise and sleep, no tobacco consumption, no severe obesity and normal values for blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. 

    We have heard all this many times before, but what exactly does it mean?
    Here are three examples: The US Heart Association defines adequate exercise as 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, such as walking, or 75 minutes of increased activity, such as jogging. The daily sleeping time should be between seven and nine hours and the body weight should be below the body mass index value of 30. 

    At the GDNÄ meeting in Potsdam, you will be talking about facts and myths on the subject of healthy ageing. Which myth is particularly persistent?
    The one about a healthy glass of red wine. Alcohol is a neurotoxin, even in small quantities – there’s no way around it. However, there is evidence that alcohol is more harmful to us in the first half of life, i.e. up to around forty, than later. Another myth has to do with frailty in old age, which many believe is inevitable. In my presentation, I will explain how it can be prevented and, in some cases, reversed. 

    Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to reverse dementia, another disease of old age.
    But a lot can be done to prevent it. More than a third of cases can be prevented or delayed, as large-scale international studies have shown in recent years. It is particularly important to avoid depression and hearing loss and to acquire education as early as possible. Alcohol, concussions and air pollution have been shown to increase the risk of dementia.

    Eröffnung der Büros Postplatz 1 © Paul Glaser

    © Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

    In the Clinic for Geriatrics and Geriatric Medicine on the Benjamin Franklin Campus of the Charité, patients with acute internal, neurological and orthopaedic diseases are treated in the sense of early geriatric rehabilitation.

    A lot of research is being carried out worldwide on the subject of ageing. Which approaches are particularly promising?
    I find a field of research called geroscience very exciting. It sees ageing as the main risk factor for diseases that are not purely genetically determined, such as cardiovascular diseases and most types of cancer. The idea is to prevent these diseases by slowing down the ageing process at an early stage. So-called senescent cells offer a starting point. These are body cells that have stopped dividing at some point. They no longer function properly but are not completely dead and can damage surrounding cells. The consequences are diseases and frailty. The older the person, the more such zombie cells there are in the tissue. 

    Do we stand a chance against the zombies?
    We can drive them to suicide and thus halt their age-related decline. This is possible with certain active substances, so-called senolytics, as animal experiments have shown. The first clinical trials have now been carried out on patients with diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, kidney dysfunction or diabetes. The results so far are very encouraging. 

    When will the first drugs be available?
    That depends entirely on the further course of the clinical trials. If nothing comes up, we may have the first drugs in fifteen or twenty years. 

    Is your institute at the Charité involved in this research?
    Yes, one of our research groups is working on this topic as part of translational bio-gerontology. 

    What are the other research groups at the Institute working on?
    We have a lot of interesting topics, but let me pick out two examples. One is the question of the extent to which diet promotes or inhibits inflammation in the body. This is important to know because many diseases and the ageing process itself are associated with inflammation. In collaboration with the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam-Rehbrücke, employees are currently developing an inflammatory index that can be used to determine the inflammatory potential of food. Another working group is looking at smart home solutions for older people to help them live longer at home. 

    Finally, a myth-or-fact question: can we all live to be 150 years old or older, as is often claimed recently?
    No, I don’t think so. The maximum lifespan of every species is genetically determined. In humans, it is around the age reached by the French woman Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 at the age of 122. 122 years for women, 118 years for men – we won’t be able to break these records in the future either. But what good are such records if you are ill? I think ageing in good health is something worth striving for.

    Günther Hasinger © Paul Glaser

    © Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

    Prof. Dr. Ursula Müller-Werdan

    About the person

    Prof. Dr Ursula Müller-Werdan has been Director of the Medical Clinic for Geriatrics and Geriatric Medicine at Charité Berlin and Medical Director of the Protestant Geriatric Centre Berlin since 2016. Prior to this, the cardiologist and geriatrician worked at the University Hospital of RWTH Aachen and from 1996 to 2014 at the University Hospital Halle-Wittenberg. Born in Allgäu in 1961, she completed her medical studies and specialist training at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München – with scholarships from the Studienstiftung, the Maximilianeum Foundation and the Bayerische Begabtenförderung. Her research focuses on heart disease in old age, sepsis and multi-organ failure as well as multimorbidity in old age. Ursula Müller-Werdan is one of the deputy chairs of the German Society for Internal Medicine and was president of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics.

    Further information

    Studies on initial therapeutic strategies against zombie cells:

    Paul Scholand: “Direct contact with scientists is important to me”

    “Direct contact with scientists is important to me”

    Bielefeld high school graduate Paul Scholand will be attending the GDNÄ Assembly in Potsdam as a student scholarship holder. In the first media interview of his life, he describes his expectations, how he looks back on his time at school and looks ahead.

    Mr Scholand, first of all, congratulations on recently passing your Abitur. Are you happy with the result?
    Yes, very happy. The written and oral exams went well and with the grades I achieved, I can study my favourite subject, medicine. 

    When do you want to start?
    In autumn 2025, but before that I’m doing an FSJ, a voluntary social year, to get a taste of new areas between school and university. 

    The GDNÄ student programme, which you are taking part in September, is also about new experiences. How did you get involved in the programme?
    My biology teacher, Mr Mühlenhoff, approached me in the spring and gave me a programme flyer. I immediately discovered a few lectures in the programme that I was particularly interested in. For example, on the use of artificial intelligence in medicine, the design of biology with light or living materials in the field of physics. 

    What does participating in the student programme mean to you?
    Very much. I see the invitation as an honour and appreciation of my academic achievements and I am full of anticipation when I think about the days in Potsdam. It’s all about current research, which we will hopefully be able to grasp well with the basics that school has given us. 

    What wishes and expectations do you have as a student scholarship holder?
    I want to learn as much as possible and will attend lectures from all subject areas. It is important for me to have direct contact with the scientists, for example at the study counselling, in the Science & Technology Cafés or during the breaks. I’ve never had an opportunity like this before and I’m looking forward to it. 

    You have just completed twelve years at secondary school. What was the most important thing for you during this time?
    We learned to acquire knowledge, to organise ourselves and to persevere when things didn’t go so smoothly. My friends were very important to me: we prepared for exams together and motivated each other. 

    Did that also work during the pandemic?
    It definitely did. At first, we did a lot over the phone, but later we met up in small groups to study together. Not only did we survive the pandemic, we also learnt to discipline ourselves and keep going.

    Eröffnung der Büros Postplatz 1 © Paul Glaser

    © Timo Voss, Studio of Thoughts | Helmholtz-Gymnasium Bielefeld

    Bielefeld’s Helmholtz High School, shown here in an aerial photo, was founded in 1896. Under the motto “A modern high school with tradition”, around 100 teachers now teach around 1000 students.

    With your grades, you can choose the subject you want to study. Why did you choose medicine?
    It was an obvious choice for me because my father and mother are doctors, and biology was one of my favourite subjects at school. What I like is the wide range of careers I have with a medical degree: I can practise as a doctor or go into research, maybe even into business. It’s good that I still have a few years to make my decision. 

    Medicine, information, natural sciences, technology: it is often said that interest in STEM subjects is waning among young people. Can you confirm this?
    It’s different in my environment – science subjects were particularly popular at school. Many opted for advanced courses in maths, physics and computer science. The decisive factor is personal preference: People who enjoy computer games are often also interested in computer science. 

    How would you describe your generation’s attitude to life?
    My generation is very free, it has many options and wants to have fun in life. My friends and I are aware of the problems in the world, we have the climate crisis and the wars on our radar, but that doesn’t paralyse us. Some of us are involved in politics to have more influence on the future course. But most of us have enough to do with ourselves and our future plans after leaving school. 

    You are young, the GDNÄ is a good 200 years old. Can that go together?
    They go together very well. When I look at the GDNÄ website, I see great scientists such as Alexander von Humboldt, Albert Einstein and Max Planck on the homepage. I see this as an incentive for me and my generation. Perhaps we too can change the world with new, revolutionary ideas.

    Günther Hasinger © Paul Glaser

    © Privat

    Paul Scholand, GDNÄ student scholarship holder, will attend the meeting in Potsdam 2024.

    About the person

    Paul Scholand was born in Bielefeld in 2006. He initially attended a bilingual primary school there (English and German). He later went to the Helmholtz-Gymnasium, where he enthusiastically completed a basic biology course with Paul Mühlenhoff, the head of the GDNÄ student programme. In the upper school level, Paul Scholand took advanced courses in history and maths; other exam subjects in the Abitur were Latin and biology. In August 2024, he will begin a voluntary social year at the Bielefeld golf club and will support the staff with youth training, in the office and with course maintenance until July 2025. The 19-year-old then wants to start his medical studies – preferably in a medium-sized German city such as Münster, Tübingen or Freiburg.

    Further information

    Liane G. Benning: “How algae are fuelling climate change”

    How algae are fuelling climate change

    Liane G. Benning, biogeochemist, on earthshaking interfaces, microbes in the Arctic ice and her El Dorado of research. 

    Professor Benning, at the next meeting of the GDNÄ you will be giving a public evening lecture entitled “The big melt: small cells, big consequences”. Why should people make a note of this date?
    I will be presenting new, previously little-known findings that are important for future climate forecasts. For example, it will be about snow and ice algae and their major influence on the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which contributes significantly to global sea level rise. So anyone who is interested in current climate research and wants to know what we as scientists in Potsdam and Berlin are contributing to this is cordially invited to my lecture.

    You head the Interface Geochemistry research group at the GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. What do interfaces have to do with the climate?
    I need to expand a little on that. My research group is concerned with interfacial reactions. This refers to chemical, physical and biological reactions on and in the surfaces of a wide variety of materials that characterise their shape, structure and function. Our planet owes its appearance, both large and small, to such processes, which control the cycle of carbon, nutrients and trace elements. Climate change is also a consequence of interfacial reactions. One example is the reactions between carbon dioxide and the atmosphere. Another, more indirect example is the chain reactions in the Arctic ice.

    Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (IQOQI). © IQOQI/M.R.Knabl

    © Katie Sipes

    Field research that’s fun: GFZ doctoral student Rey Mourot collects snow and ice samples in southern Greenland. The helicopter in the background is standing by for safety reasons. The weather can change quickly, in which case the work has to be cancelled immediately. The photo was taken in May 2022.

    How do you record the processes in interfaces?
    We combine experimental approaches and measurements in nature, for example in Greenland, with satellite images, microbial sequencing and high-resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy imaging techniques that we are constantly developing. In this way, we can observe interactions in interfaces down to the atomic level. The realisation that algae, viruses and bacteria play a key role in climate processes is thanks to this large repertoire of methods. 

    Please explain in more detail how all this is connected.
    Let’s take Greenland as an example. I’m there time and again with my team to take measurements on site and take ice samples, which we analyse when we return to Potsdam. The Greenland ice is still kilometres thick, but on average one metre melts away every year and goes into the oceans. This trend has been accelerating for years. This has to do not only with increasing global warming, but also with dark areas on the ice. They reduce the so-called albedo, i.e. the reflectivity of the surface, and heat it up. For a long time, it was thought that soot or dust particles blown onto the ice were blackening it. However, we now know that naturally occurring snow and ice algae, in combination with other microorganisms, play a significant role in the darkening – and are multiplying rapidly in Greenland. In the south-western part of the island, up to 26 per cent of the albedo reduction is due to ice algae. And as part of the major EU project “Deep Purple”, we are also investigating whether special viruses may control the algal bloom and how the bloom is slowed down by tiny fungi. 

    Can such findings be used to slow down climate change?
    What we are doing is purely basic research. We are not involved in measures to mitigate the effects of climate change. I also believe that bioengineering or geoengineering on the basis of previous research findings is premature because we still know far too little about the overall system. Individual interventions can cause great damage, so we have to be very careful. 

    Is the new knowledge about algae and co. already being incorporated into climate forecasts?
    In the last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report from 2023, the contribution of algae was already mentioned, but bio-albedo is not yet included in the predictions. I am confident that the next assessment report will go into more detail about the effect.

    Instituts für Fertigungstechnologie an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. © FAU

    © Katie Sipes

    Liane G Benning and her doctoral student Rey Mourot in front of a snowfield in southern Greenland. You can clearly see how green, yellowish and red snow algae proliferate here.

    You have been working in this specialised field for a long time. How did this come about?
    I’ve actually always been fascinated by processes in the environment. I first studied mineralogy in Kiel and continued my studies at the ETH in Zurich, where I made geochemical reactions the subject of my doctorate. This was followed by academic posts in the USA and the UK, and over time I realised that I couldn’t make any scientific progress without biology. So I familiarised myself with the subject, especially genetics, and eventually I became a biogeochemist. 

    You spent 17 years at the University of Leeds before moving to Potsdam and Berlin. How did you experience the change?
    Coming back to Germany was a bit of a culture shock. In everyday life, I first had to get used to the rustic manners in Berlin and Brandenburg – things are a bit more polite in England. And then there’s the excessive bureaucracy with which the Germans torment themselves and others. The British – especially at universities – often work much more efficiently, so we can learn a lot from them. 

    You’ve now been in the region for ten years and hopefully you’ve discovered some positive things.
    A lot of positive things, in fact. Scientifically, I have fantastic opportunities here. If I need a modern, expensive measuring device for my research, I can almost always find it in the region –  be it at another Helmholtz Institute, at facilities of the Max Planck Society or at the Federal Institute for Materials Testing. And, just as importantly, my colleagues are highly competent, helpful and open to co-operation. For example, the collaboration with Thomas Leya from the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology in Potsdam is brilliant. His biobank contains a wonderful snow algae culture that is ideal for comparisons with our ice algae. We were able to benefit greatly from the expertise of our Fraunhofer colleagues when setting up our culture. All in all, I couldn’t wish for a better environment for my research. 

    Berlin-Brandenburg, an El Dorado for geoscientists?
    I can agree with that. 

    Then you probably have few problems attracting good young people to your team?
    When we advertise a position, we receive applications from all over the world. That was the case again just now for a junior scientist position. But we didn’t find what we were looking for, the applications simply weren’t good enough. For some it was the incomplete documents, for others it was the narrow qualifications that were not sufficient for our interdisciplinary tasks. Some applicants just want to test their chances and are not serious. So it’s not that easy for us. 

    How do you solve the problem?
    In this specific case, we are now re-advertising the position with more precise criteria. I’m also sending the advert to colleagues I know around the world. Personal recommendations are very valuable. I also try to attract good young people from my degree programme at the FU Berlin to the GFZ: for an internship or for their final thesis. If it goes well, it can turn into a job. I also say this to the student interns from Potsdam who have been with us in recent years. My team has been great at dealing with their questions and requests and we are always happy to take on new interns from the region.

    Marion Merklein © FAU

    © Phil Dera

    Prof. Dr. Liane G. Benning.

    About the person

    Liane G. Benning has headed the Interface Geochemistry Department at the Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam since 2014. She is also responsible for the Potsdam Imaging and Spectral Analysis Facility (PISA). She has been a professor at Freie Universität Berlin since 2016.

    Liane G. Benning completed her undergraduate degree in mineralogy at the University of Kiel and her graduate degree in petrology and geochemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH). She received her doctorate from ETH in 1995. After a postdoctoral stay at Pennsylvania State University, Liane G. Benning moved to the University of Leeds, where she was appointed professor in 2007 and researched and taught until 2017.

    The biogeochemist has received many national and international awards. She has been a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina since 2018 and a Geochemistry Fellow of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry since 2020.  At the beginning of 2024, Liane G. Benning was appointed to the German Council of Science and Humanities by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

    Bohrkern aus dem grönländischen Eisschild mit schwarzen Partikeln, die Algen, Mineralien und Ruß enthalten. Sie verdunkeln die Gletscheroberfläche und beschleunigen im Sommer die Eisschmelze. © Rey Mourot

    © Rey Mourot

    Drill core from the Greenland ice sheet with black particles containing algae, minerals and soot. They darken the glacier surface and accelerate the melting of the ice in summer.

    Further information

    >> Internship enquiry for high school students: benning@gfz-potsdam.de

    Stuart Parkin – Encouraging young people to follow seemingly crazy ideas

    “Let us encourage young people to follow seemingly crazy ideas”

    Why Stuart Parkin, Director at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, gave up his top job in California, how he is giving data processing a leg up and what future he sees for Germany.  

    Professor Parkin, a few years ago you were still at IBM in Silicon Valley, now you work in Halle an der Saale. Was that a good swap?
    I think so, even though the two stations are very different. However, they are similar in one respect, which is very important to me, and that is scientific freedom. I had that as research director at IBM and here at the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics in Halle I can also determine my own course.

    And yet it’s a big leap you’ve made: from industrial research to a publicly funded institute, from California to Saxony-Anhalt. What made you do it?
    My love for my wife Claudia Felser. We met at Stanford and decided to move to Germany together a few years ago. She is a chemistry professor and director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden. We are not far from our home to our institutes. Not only do we share a fascination for new materials, we also work together on projects.

    © Max Planck Institut fuer Mikrostrukturphysik

    The Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics was founded in 1992 as the first institute of the Max Planck Society in East Germany. The research focus is on novel materials with useful functionalities. Today, the institute offers space for around 150 employees.

    What exactly is your research about?
    To put it in a nutshell: I create completely new materials for information processing. They are needed because we are at the end of the silicon age and urgently need basic materials for a faster, more efficient data world. Our materials consist of wafer-thin magnetic layers.  They make it possible to use the magnetic moment of the electron to store and process digital data, and not just its electrical charge, as used to be the case in semiconductor electronics. Spintronics is the corresponding technical term. I have dedicated most of my professional life to it and during this time I was able to make a significant contribution to the fact that magnetic drives are standard today. But that is only part of the story.

    How does it continue?
    One important spintronics application is the spin valves I invented. These are thin-film read heads that can detect very small magnetic domains on hard drives and significantly increase their storage capacity. More than ten years ago, the so-called Racetrack memory was developed under my leadership. This technology, based on magnetoelectronics, processes digital information a million times faster than conventional hard disks. Currently, together with my wife, I am researching skyrmions and antiskyrmions, i.e. nanometre-sized magnetic objects that could pave the way for ultra-fast and at the same time power-saving data processing in the future. Our results have been published in high-ranking journals, most recently in Nature.

    When it comes to efficient information processing, the human brain is unrivalled. Do you draw inspiration from it?
    Of course I do. I already started my first studies at IBM and we are also working in this extremely exciting field in Halle. We want to understand how the brain manages to trigger material reactions by means of tiny ionic currents. That is electrochemistry at its finest. Our goal is to mimic the incredibly economical and precise way the brain works. This cannot be achieved in the short term, you need staying power. 

    What can be achieved in the next few years?
    For me, it’s about accelerating the invention of new materials. That’s why I completely rebuilt the institute in Halle and received excellent support from the state of Saxony-Anhalt, the Max Planck Society and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Today we work here in a large team of physicists, chemists and biologists – to name just a few disciplines. We have state-of-the-art imaging technology at our disposal and a new clean room in which we can produce the finest nanostructures.  Most of it we built ourselves, you can’t buy something like that on the market.

    © burckhardt+partner

    New research building for the chip technology of tomorrow (virtual view): With an investment of 50 million euros, the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics in Halle is being expanded with modern laboratories and offices. The new building with a floor space of 5,500 square metres is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024. The institute will then be able to accommodate up to 300 employees.

    Your research should be of great interest to industry?
    That’s right. There are collaborations with the Korean IT company Samsung, for example. Other companies are also keeping a close eye on what we are doing. Among them is the American chip manufacturer Intel, which recently announced billions in investments in Europe. 

    How do you rate the general conditions for your research in Germany?
    We have really good conditions. A big plus is that Germany invests a lot in basic research, much more than other countries in Europe. There are excellent specialists in the country and ambitious young people with good ideas.

    Where do you see Germany in international comparison?
    There is still some catching up to do. Let’s take the example of the USA: there, digitalisation has really arrived in the middle of society, but I don’t see it that way in Germany yet. The powerful and rich companies in Silicon Valley can pay professionals high salaries, and we often can’t keep up. Moreover, many patent rights are in the USA – that also makes competition more difficult. The pandemic has shown how big the differences are between countries. All of a sudden, video conferencing was en vogue and US providers like Zoom or MS Teams were at the forefront. Why, I ask myself, is a German company like SAP not playing along? The prerequisites are certainly there.

    How can Germany make up ground?
    The best way is to invest in young people. We should encourage them to follow even seemingly crazy ideas and take risks. At universities, people should be able to learn how innovation works and how to compete successfully. Some Asian countries designate certain zones where company founders do not have to pay taxes for ten years. This could also be a model for us, especially in eastern Germany, where there are still many vacant areas.

    The federal elections are just behind us, the coalition negotiations are underway. What do you expect from the next federal government in your field?
    A strong push for digitalisation. As the leading economy, Germany should lead the way in this area and help Europe speak with one voice. That would be important in order to survive in international competition and to enforce important values such as data security.

    You are involved in numerous professional societies. How important is your work in the GDNÄ for you?
    I am a European and would like to contribute to making our continent more competitive. The GDNÄ can play an important role in this, for example by supporting young people. But also by inviting controversial, cultivated discussions about current scientific topics. I know this from Great Britain and would like to see more public debate of this kind in this country as well. It could be a good remedy for the increasing scepticism about science in society.

    Saarbrücken 2018 © Robertus Koppies

    © Sven Doering

    © Sven Doering

    Stuart S. P. Parkin

    About the person
    Stuart S. P. Parkin was born in Watford, England, in 1955. After completing his doctorate in solid-state physics at the University of Cambridge, he joined IBM as a postdoctoral researcher, where he was made a Fellow in 1999, the company’s highest technical award. Between 2004 and 2006, he conducted research at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University with a Humboldt Research Award. Professor Parkin headed the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, and was director of the Spintronic Science and Applications Center (SpinAps), founded in 2004. He was also a professor at Stanford University. He is a member of numerous international academies such as the Royal Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received numerous awards, most recently the King Faisal Prize 2021 worth 200,000 dollars. The physicist with three citizenships in the UK, USA and Germany has published around 400 scientific papers and holds more than 90 patents. Since 2014, he has been director at the MPI for Microstructure Physics Halle and Alexander von Humboldt Professor at the Institute of Physics at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Shortly afterwards, Stuart Parkin joined the GDNÄ and was elected subject representative for engineering sciences.

    Further Information: