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  • Eva-Maria Neher honoured with the Alexander von Humboldt Medal

    At the 133rd meeting of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ) in Potsdam, the Alexander von Humboldt Medal was awarded to Göttingen-based Professor Eva-Maria Neher. She received the award for her scientific educational work and her special commitment as president and board member of the GDNÄ.

    Prof. Dr Eva-Maria Neher was honoured with the Alexander von Humboldt Medal at the opening session of the 133rd Conference of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ) on 13 September 2024 at the Griebnitzsee Campus of the University of Potsdam. At the award ceremony, the current President of the Society of Natural Scientists, Professor Heribert Hofer, highlighted the outstanding contributions of the award winner to the education of young people in the field of mathematics and science. “Eva-Maria Neher has successfully led the GDNÄ’s student programme for many years and developed it into a central part of the meetings,” said Hofer. In addition, as President and long-standing member of the Board of Directors, she has had a decisive influence on the development of the GDNÄ.

    Eröffnung der Büros Postplatz 1 © Paul Glaser

    © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin

    In her acceptance speech, the prizewinner emphasised her commitment to the GDNÄ, which she intends to continue to support with advice and assistance in the future.

    About the award

    The Alexander von Humboldt Medal honours individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the further development of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians. The medal commemorates the great natural scientist and cosmopolitan Alexander von Humboldt (1769 to 1859). He made a decisive contribution to the early development of the GDNÄ. The medal has been awarded every two years since 2010.

    Professorin Eva-Maria Neher © Universität Göttingen/Peter Heller

    © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin

    Eva-Maria Neher with the certificate for the GDNÄ’s Alexander von Humboldt Award. To her left: GDNÄ Secretary General and Treasurer Michael Dröscher (with medal), to her right GDNÄ President Heribert Hofer.

    About the person

    Honorary Professor Dr Eva-Maria Neher studied biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry and microbiology in Göttingen and received her doctorate in 1977. In 1993, she began designing and organising experimental courses in chemistry and biology at the Freie Waldorfschule Göttingen. In 2000, Eva-Maria Neher founded the XLAB – Göttinger Experimentallabor für junge Leute e.V. and headed it until 2018. She has been Chairwoman of the Board of the XLAB Foundation since 2008 and Chairwoman of the University Council of the European University of Flensburg since 2014, as well as President of the Board of the Network of Youth Excellence e.V. She has been a member of the Board and Board Council of the GDNÄ since 2013. In 2015 and 2016, she was President of the Society of Natural Scientists. Neher has been honoured many times for her social and scientific commitment.

    Interviews with Eva-Maria Neher